

北京汇众电源技术有限责任公司始建于1986年,位于海淀区上地七街一号,自由土地10000平方米,三栋科研及生产大楼,建筑面积23500平方米。在三十多年的自主研发生产过程中,本厂积累了丰富的工艺理念、技术和质量管理经验,建立了一支稳定可靠的管理、研发、生产队伍。自从2000年进入军品定制的研制生产之后,汇众更加重视全面过程管控,为军工行业提供了高品质、高可靠性、高功率密度的电源产品。2008年获得了国家科学进步特等奖,拥有六项专利,先后通过了ISO9000 质量管理体系认证、三级保密资质、武器装备承制资格单位证书、TS16949汽车行业管理体系认证等。拥有现代化专业生产4条,以及现金的检测能力和试验能力,可以满足不同客户的需求。



这篇文章有 106,518 个评论

  1. I have a degree in creative writing from a top university, but still have no significant credits yet. How should I go about getting published in a reputable magazine or web site for the first time? Is self-publishing the way to go? I have short stories that are done, but I am not sure where to send them. I know I need an agent, but trying to get one without ever being published just isn’t going to happen. Any suggestions?.

  2. New to joomla please guide me i have download joomla from website ? What should i do ?.

  3. I’m trying to build a membership website and people have told me that Joomla works best. I have downloaded Joomla and don’t know what to do from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Does this cover PHP as well or do I need to download that?.

  4. I’m studying Journalism at the University of Minnesota, and I am looking for a good website to start blogging on. I’m mostly looking for a good sports blogging website, but a music website would also be of interest. I’ve heard about Bleacher Report, is that one of the main sites?.

  5. I’m trying to see how can you prevent the content from being removed on a youtube video due to copyright. I really just want to see what material can you use so that youtube will not remove the content. Like with music, should you use music from like a CD instead of downloading it from like itunes? Can you give me any suggestions?.

